Tenants have a laundry list of new rights, and landlords have a laundry list of new obligations, which I have discussed in a different blog post:
I am also teaching a seminar on these changes at noon on September 8, 2023: https://balandlaw.com/blog/tim-teaches-free-seminar-on-new-laws-impacting-landlords-and-tenants-in-minnesota
The question is what changes do landlords need to make to their existing leases to make them comply with the new law. What follows is a summary of the requirements for leases starting on January 1, 2024:. More specifically, does the lease:
- contain a specific provision prohibiting the landlord from requiring pet declawing or devocalization;
- list all non-optional fees on the first page
- notify the tenant of the right to request a move in and move out inspection, the right to waive that right, and the timelines for requesting or waiving
- require the landlord to provide 24 hours advance notice of intent to enter for a non-emergency reasonable business purpose, provide that the landlord can only enter between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM, and state that the landlord must provide an approximate window of time for entry
- provide that the rental premises will be kept at a minimum temperature of 68°F from October 1 – April 30
- provide the timelines for renewing the lease and specify the method for renewing
- provide the criminal conduct that occurs off of the rental premises is not grounds for eviction unless (1.) the conduct would constitute a crime of violence against another tenant, the tenant’s guest, the landlord, or the landlord’s employees, regardless of whether a charge was propped or condition contained or (2.) the conduct results in a conviction of a crime of violence against a person unrelated to the premises.
- permit tenants to legally possess cannabis, but prohibit tenants from smoking or vaping the same
- provide the conditions under which a tenant or “authorize” representative can terminate the lease due to the infirmity of the tenant
I will be happy to meet with a landlord to review an existing lease and advise whether that lease needs to be revised, or if the landlord needs a brand-new lease. Every landlord – tenant situation is unique, and I recommend that landlords talk to an attorney experienced in evictions and landlord tenant law before taking action based on this blog post. To that end, I invite landlords to give me a call at 763-290-0445 to discuss their unique situation. I have represented many landlords, but typically do not represent tenants.
WARNING: The information contained in this blog post does not constitute legal advice and may not be applicable to your situation. Tim is licensed to practice law only in Minnesota, and the information contained in this blog post may not apply to jurisdictions outside of Minnesota. Further, reading this blog post does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Baland Law Office, P.L.L.C. You should always discuss your situation with an attorney before taking any action based on what you may read in this blog. To that end, please call (763) 290-0445 to set up an appointment to discuss your situation.